Home of Containment Solutions

Products & solutions

Product overview

Lugaia Containment Solutions produces flexible packaging solutions on specially developed conversion lines embedded in a class ISO 5 / ISO 7 or ISO 8 clean room infrastructure. All foil products are also available as standard variants for applications without cleanliness requirements. All products are designed to meet the highest GMP standards.

Continuous Liner System

To protect employees and products

The use of Lugaia's continuous liner to ensure the safety of personnel and products is effective and very popular.


TransferBag System

For a safer product transfer

Lugaia TransferBags meet the stringent containment requirements of the pharmaceutical and biotech industries and are utilized in the product transfer of small quantities. The optimal connectivity


SafeFlex Isolator System

The flexible solution for closed processes

Isolators can be used to protect both the environment or the processed product. A well-designed, flexible containment isolator comes very close to a stainless-steel isolator in terms of protection


SafeSeal Closure System

Simply ingenious or ingeniously simple?

The SafeSeal Closure System guarantees Containment-Level OEB 5 (<1μg / m³) in combination with
